Thursday, September 25, 2014

Critical Looks

It is such a beautiful fall day, I decided to go into town for a few things.  The sun is shining, the breeze is light, and the temperature is in the seventies.

I have a new puppy, Sadie, who loves to go with mom.  I put her in her booster car seat, and away we went to "slay dragons".   Sadie was happy.  I was happy.

We made three stops.  First on the list was Wal-mart for a few everyday household items.  Our little Wal-mart permits dogs in the store as long as they are in the cart, or the owner is holding him or her.

Sadie loves looking at all of the people.  She sniffs the air.  Her ears perk up as she looks all around.  It is a new world for her, and good for her socialization.

As often happens, I saw many people I know at Wal-mart today.  I greeted them warmly.  It is such a glorious day.  I was in such a glorious mood.

As I turned to head toward the checkout counter, my eyes caught view of one of my acquaintances.  She had that "look" on her face.  You know the "look" I am talking about.  You catch people looking each other up and down quite frequently. 

Personally, I have always wondered why people do that.  It makes me uncomfortable. 

After checking out, I was putting my cart away, and caught another "look" from another acquaintance.  This one was even more "critical".

I am having a good day today.  I don't need my cane.  I have only a slight limp. Two steroid injections a couple of weeks ago are still in my system.

I know that people look at other people a lot.  I suppose that is "people watching."  Still, the looks I saw today were more critical than most.

I imagine these two individuals were wondering how I could be walking with a cane one day and not the next.  They are puzzled.  I get that.

I wish I didn't get those "looks."  I wish everyone understood AI diseases.  As my late mother used to say, "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."

In the scheme of things, what does it matter?  What matters is this:  I feel better today than I have in a while.  I am happy.  No one is going to steal my joy!