Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beautiful day today.  Came home from church and was thanking God for my medication.  I remember what my life was like before Humira and MTX.  It wasn't much of a life.  I was suffering and in misery. So thankful for finally finding a good RD, and for the biologics. I know they are not right for everyone, but for some of us, they are our lifeline.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Taking Meds Can Be A Pain.......Literally                I used to struggle taking my meds.  Let's face it,  looking at a hand full of pills every morning isn't too appetizing.  In addition to that, meds can be hard on our stomachs.  I have found two things that help me in this department.  First of all, I take Zantac every day. I had acid reflux before I was diagnosed with RA.  Taking all these medications hasn't helped that issue any. I also take my meds in the morning with yogurt. Then I drink a glass of water. Yogurt coats the capsules and other meds and the yogurt seems to protect my stomach.  I am not a doctor, or a health care professional of any kind.  I am just sharing my personal experience. On the days I take Methotrexate, I take it after a full meal, and usually in the evening.  This seems to minimize any gastrointestional upset for me.

I call my "space' RA Dancer because that is how I view my life with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  We dance.  Sometimes I lead, sometimes RA leads.  In the end, it is a balance I seek. Living with RA can be challenging.  Actually, living is a contract sport and when one has RA, the contact can be dangerous. I see so many people struggling to balance their lives.  Some are overwhelmed by the diagnosis of RA and struggle to move forward, even a little.  Some try to ignore their symptoms and deny the existence of the RA dancer.  He doesn't go away though.  He is here for good.  I am interested in hearing how you dance with RA.  How do you balance work and family life?  What techniques do you use to conserve your energy and enjoy the good moments, and make memories. I will be sharing my daily triumphs, struggles and adventures, as I dance with my RA.