Monday, July 8, 2013

I Am Not A Post

I am not a post standing alone in a pasture.  I may move slowly, but that is the best I can do.  RA has slowed my movements and crippled my joints.  Still, I am not a post.  I am a person with a past and a future and a now.  I live in the now, because none of us know what tomorrow may bring.  Those of us who live with RA have a special appreciation for living in the moment.  We are people just like the rest of you.  We have feelings.  We have friends and family.  Don't look away the next time you see us.  Treat us as you do everyone else.  No special favors, but no dismissive attitude, either.  We have interesting stories to tell.  We have strong hearts.  We are warriors.  We love and laugh and forgive often. We are not posts standing alone in a pasture.


  1. Ain't that the truth?

    1. Perfectly said. What hurts me the most is the looks I get from people, especially the elderly. Like whats she doin walkin with a cane or parkin n the handicapped spot.... but I just smile and go on. For the record I dont always park n the handicapped, depends on my legs at that time.ugh

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
