Tuesday, August 27, 2013

God Sent An Angel Today

I was thankful to be able to make a trip into town this morning, before the heat of the day built to an unbearable level.  I must say, “Thank you,” to Methotrexate because Orencia is not helping much, if at all, lately.

I drove my little Ranger truck into town which is about 20 minutes from my home, and went to Wal-Mart.  Everyone in a small town goes to Wal-mart, it seems.

I parked in a handicapped space, and opened the door to my little truck.  I grabbed my cane and slowly eased myself down to the ground.  My back is “talking” to me today, and so I am a bit slower than usual.

As I slowly made my way to the front door of the store, I saw a pleasant-looking older gentleman coming my way.  When he was a few feet from me, he spoke up and said, “Keep using that stick.”

I had to smile.  The “stick” he was referring to was my cane…..the one with kitties all over it.  I like “sticks” with personality!

I assured the gentleman that I would keep using my “stick”, and smiled back at him. I was drawn to this elderly gentleman’s face.  It was kind.  He was walking really well for an elderly man, and his eyes had a wonderful a sparkle in them.

The elderly man continued talking to me, and said, “We have to keep going, you know.”  I quickly assured him I would keep going, and he smiled back at me…….apparently pleased with my answer.

This exchange may seem insignificant to some, but it was huge for me.  That older gentleman just made my day.  God did, indeed, send an angel today. 

1 comment:

  1. yes angels are out there. we never know where or when we will meet them, but when im out i try to be someone elses angel. if its just a small comment or a gesture. i believe in paying it forward..... Thank u V youre an angel to me.
